Treffen uns auf dem Chiemsee Pferdefestival

 More than 300 equestrian athletes from all over the world are once again looking forward to a highlight in every rider’s annual calendar: the Chiemsee Horse Festival.

From August 31st to September 10th 2023 you will find EQUINETREE on the grounds of the unique Chiemsee Horse Festival at Gut Ising. The national (dressage) and international (show jumping) tournaments will take place from Thursday to Sunday where you will find the successful combination of a top-class horse show with a fantastic Ising market week.

 International stars from more than 20 nations will be competing for victory in more than 70 show competitions in front of the impressive backdrop of the foothills of the Alps and Lake Chiemsee for the 16th time. 

8 days of lifestyle, sport, art and nature! We look forward to seeing you all! 

Entry is free. 

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